Fashion communication management

Master universitario di 1° livello

The Study Program of the Master in Fashio Communication Management aims to shape a well-rounde, versatile professional who is able to integrate into the image and communication area of businesses, outsourcing agencies, magazine editing offices and fashion and lifestyle media. The course curriculum teaches a wide range of skills which enable students to follow each phase of a communication plan, from the briefing to the definition of objectives, from choosing the means involved to organising a photo shoot or writing a press release, company profile or fashion article.
The dynamics analysed during the course relate to the luxury goods sector, and to the fashion environment, considering the specific nature of some of the pocesses which relate to these industries.

The master aims to train professional figures who posses forward-looking technical, economic, managerial, artistic-cultural, social and
communicative skills, and who can easily step into high-profile jobs within the industry.

The master is designed for those who have a university degree.
The reference job profiles are: Communication Manager, Events Organiser, Public Relations Manager, Press Office Manager, Editor, Stylist, Research Consultant, Image Consultant.